Episode 9

Early Recovery Concepts Inpatient Programs Should Focus On

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Episode 9

We discuss why addiction treatment in the early stages requires a narrow focus and sophisticated direction, and the approaches residential inpatient programs should envelop in order to properly carve a clear path towards a successful recovery. 


  • Why it is so important to implement a mindfulness approach to care in the early stages of recovery, especially within inpatient rehab.
  • What is “The Pink Cloud” in the world of addiction recovery? And what are the unique ways a residential program breaks through the “pink cloud” state of recovery, and do it in a way that allows them to reground on the other side without totally disrupting other progress?
  • How our program reinforces these approaches

Select Quotes

You cannot walk the path of recovery if you aren’t grounded. So grounding becomes the primary focus. It’s not just immediately diving into this bundle of issues and trying to untangling them. It’s about first making sure your present, let’s make sure what your emotions are, that you know how to actually navigate those emotions to the degree that is going to allow you to walk through these issues, rather than just throwing it all out there, and saying go. If you don’t know how to ground yourself, no matter how much work you do in a 45-day residential program, as soon as you walk off that campus, you’re at risk. There is no way to know how to walk and live a sober life without presence and intention. 
Clinton Nicholson, MA, LPC, LAC – Chief Operations Officer

It’s tempting to see a huge cluster of problems and feel like we need to tackle all these things and to make our 45-day residential program be able to treat this huge bundle of issues, and really that’s almost a mindless approach to care in this meta way. And being able to boil it down to taking a more bite-sized methodical, mindful approach to treatment planning through a residential program really allows for this stabilization to occur, and to address some specific things in a clear way. But really being able to build a system for clients, a path for clients, to know that they can walk. Regardless of the disruption that comes up. They will know how to walk through disruption and self-soothe on the other side of that. 
Jason Friesema, MA, LPC, LAC – Chief Clinical Officer

Episode Transcripts