Episode 101

Insights Into Emotional Intelligence

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In this episode, Brandon Burns brings Lauren Atencio and Samantha Archuleta back to share their clinical insights on the notion of emotional Intelligence. Together, our team looks over emotional inelegance and approaches to working with it. Brandon welcomes the five components of emotional inelegance to spark a debate throughout this episode.

Talking Points

  1. What is emotional Intelligence
  2. Approach to emotional Intelligence
  3. Looking at dopamine
  4. Five Components of emotional Intelligence
  5. Self-awareness
  6. Self-regulation
  7. Internal motivation
  8. Looking at empathy
  9. Emotional states


“I think you do have to be realistic when it comes to emotions because if you’re not, then you’re always going to be let down, you’re always going to be so fearful of what comes next; this goes into the control conversation as well. There’s so much fear in emotions because we don’t know how to control them, or they are so unknown. It’s really just something inside us that if we go into those small actions, it will teach us how to control it more. ”
– Lauren Atencio, Clinical Director

Episode Transcripts