Episode 27

A Hopeful Recovery Journey

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Episode 27

One of our long-time employees opens up about her authentic recovery story in order to give hope to others who struggle with addiction.


  • We talk as a team about how Kara became a part of our Peaks Recovery team and the growth she has seen throughout her journey.
  • Kara opens up about her recovery journey and finding safety within herself through somatic experience therapy.
  • Jason, our Chief Clinical Officer, talks about how it feels to see Kara come so far in her journey.
  • The transition Kara has experienced becoming a strong professional within addiction treatment and helping others become their best selves.
  • Kara speaks on what it’s like being a mother throughout recovery and regaining her children and herself.

Select Quotes

My biggest superpower is the work I have done on myself, and I get to give that back to our clients. Oftentimes our clients come in, and it’s really scary, and they want to focus on all these external things. And I found that when you really focus and turn inside and focus on your internal reality, all that other stuff, it comes. Your external reality will change when you focus on yourself. And because of the work I’ve done, that’s what I get to give away.
Kara Hinkle, CAS Residential Manager

Episode Transcripts