Episode 57

What Drives Substance Use?

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Discover and gain an understanding of the underlying factors that contribute to and help cause substance use, with podcast leaders Brandon, Jason, and Clinton.

Talking Points

  1. Reviewing language shift around the word “addiction”
  2. Explaining some of the factors that lead to substance use
  3. How self-awareness can help the healing process
  4. Discussion about abstinence


“You’ve started to align with someone who struggles with substance use because you are looking at maladaptive coping strategies. But you don’t get to a maladaptive coping strategy until you ask the question of why and get to the motivation. ….all of the sudden, you can see much, much more clearly. Because it is just about seeking out what need that behavior is meeting, really building insight into that motivation, and then slowly over time, developing alternative coping strategies that are much more adaptive, and align with the person’s wellbeing and desire to get better.”    
– Clinton Nicholson, MA, LPC, LAC, Chief Operations Officer

Episode Transcripts